What is IMC?

(source: http://mindfulkreative.com/tag/integrated-marketing-communications/)

(source: http://mindfulkreative.com/tag/integrated-marketing-communications/)
American Marketing Association defines Integrated Marketing Communications
(IMC) as “a planning process designed to assure that all brand contacts
received by a customer or prospect for a product, service, or organization are
relevant to that person and consistent over time.”
planning process has been compared to composing a musical score. In a piece of
music, while every instrument has a specific task, the goal is to have them
come together in a way that produces beautiful music. It’s the same in IMC,
where advertising might be your violin, social media your piano, public
relations your trumpet and so on.
& Saatchi Los Angeles – one of the United States’ premier advertising
agencies. Proud to be named 2014 Full-Service Agency of the Year by thinkLA’s
Interactive Idea Awards.
For the
campaign, Toyota integrated social media
into its traditional mix from the outset, inviting those who saw the ads on TV and in print to learn more at the
company’s YouTube page. millions views.
across multiple platforms. Now that’s IMC at work.
What does IMC include?
management concept that is designed to make all aspects of marketing
communication such as advertising, sales
promotion, public relations, and direct marketing work together as a
unified force, rather than permitting each to work in isolation. http://marketing.about.com/od/marketingglossary/g/imcdef.htm
Why companies need IMC?
Schultz, in his work titled “The Inevitability of Integrated Communications”,
considered that “the question of integration or not is moot” because in reality consumers integrate all messages
received from an organization. Thus, even
if the organization has transmitted uncoordinated messages to the same
consumer, that consumer will integrate those messages according to some
pattern. Unfortunately, in some cases, the criteria chosen by the consumer
to make such integration can harm the
organization and associated brand value. Hence the company must be able to
manage the process according to its own interests and strategic purposes. http://www.unav.es/fcom/communication-society/es/articulo.php?art_id=415
How to coordinate IMC in company?
(1) Get Senior Management Support for the
initiative by ensuring they understand
the benefits of IMC.
(2) Integrate At Different Levels of
management. Put ‘integration’ on the agenda
for management meetings – whether annual reviews or creative sessions.
Horizontally – ensure that all managers, not just marketing managers understand
the importance of a consistent message – whether on delivery trucks or product
quality. Also ensure that Advertising, PR, Sales Promotions staff are
integrating their messages. To do this you
must have carefully planned internal communications, that is, good internal
(3) Ensure
the Design Manual or even a Brand Book is used to maintain common visual standards for the use of logos, type faces, colours and
so on.
(4) Focus
on a clear marketing communications strategy. Have crystal clear communications objectives; clear positioning
statements. Link core values into every
communication. Ensure all communications add value to (instead of dilute)
the brand or organisation. Exploit areas of sustainable competitive advantage.
(5) You may have to prioritise communications
activities according to your budget.
(6) Think
Customers First. Wrap communications around the customer’s buying process.
Identify the stages they go through before, during and after a purchase. Select
communication tools which are right for each stage. Develop a sequence of
communications activities which help the customer to move easily through each
(7) Build
Relationships and Brand Values. All communications should help to develop
stronger and stronger relationships with customers. Ask how each communication
tool helps to do this. Remember: customer retention is as important as customer
(8) Develop a Good Marketing Information System
which defines who needs what information when. A customer database for example,
can help the telesales, direct marketing and sales force. IMC can help to
define, collect and share vital information.
(9) Share
Artwork and Other Media. Consider how, say, advertising imagery can be used in
mail shots, exhibition stands, Christmas cards, news releases and web sites.
(10) Be
prepared to change it all. Learn from experience. Constantly search for the
optimum communications mix. Test. Test. Test. Improve each year. ‘Kaizen’.
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